Popps Emporium

November 13, 2018
Hamtramk/Detroit, MI



Popps Packing is an artist-­run, neighborhood-­based
nonprofit organization …

founded in 2009 by husband and wife artists, Faina Lerman and Graem Whyte. Nestled on the border of the Detroit/Hamtramk line for nearly a decade, this community art space has provided gallery exhibitions, a robust, international residency program, and thoughtful public programming.

Dash assisted in the production of their new building, The Emporium, which includes additional residency space, a community gallery, a tool lending library, a design library, and will serve as a community resource for the sharing of goods, skills, and experiences. The Emporium opened on November 13, 2018, and is now open to the public for membership.

For more information, visit http://www.poppspacking.org/

By Underscore Films


This project is made possible through artAffect, a national arts granting program supported by funding from the RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company